The Xi'an Metro (known as “Xi’an Metro”), It is located in China. It was expanded last year 2011, currently 17 Tube stations along 26,4 Km (16,4 Miles), ie, each station there 1552,9 meters (1698,3 Yards).
To view larger map, click above for the following images:
Subway map of Xian 1
This version of the map has the names in Chinese so that you can correctly recognize the names once you are in Xi'an.

Xi'an metro map 2
Another version of the subway map with names in Chinese language, with new stations will be opened in the year 2016. To our knowledge has not been opened, but could be inaugurated anytime.

Xi'an metro map 3
This version has the names in Chinese and Western alphabet, so that you can correctly pronounce the name of the stations, and if necessary, You can use the names in Chinese to find out which metro station is.

Xi'an metro map 4
Finally, this is the official version.
